At Beloved Golden Milk, we love to hear about people's routines and enjoy learning about the practices and rituals that get them through their day. Our Marketing Manager, Ayla, loves routine. She shared her daily rituals with us and we would love to share them with you!
What should we know about you & your daily routine?
"I have always been a creature of habit, but my habits are constantly changing and evolving. I usually get really interested a few things at a time and might do them for 6 months or a year and then discover something new and then begin to integrate new practices."
What does your day look like?
"My routine changes slightly from day-to-day, and I am not always able to fit in all the things I love, but an ideal day looks like this:
I usually wake up between 6:30am and 7am. I like waking up early but my body has been needing some extra rest lately. My partner and I recently got a puppy (his name is Roo), so we take turns walking him in the morning. If it is my day to take Roo on a morning walk, I do this first thing. I usually drive a short distance to one of my favorite trails and take in the morning while giving my puppy some exercise. I love listening to a podcast, a book recording, or NPR in the morning so I will often listen to something while we walk. When we return home from our walk I like to make a morning beverage (this rotates between Maté, Matcha, black tea, and Golden Milk) and I usually sit down to check my emails and my calendar for the day. I will then shower and get dressed. I used to go to a yoga class 4 or 5 mornings a week but since COVID I have not been exercising as much as I would like! So I usually begin my workday and try to fit in a Zoom workout class at some point. I'm usually not hungry until about 11am so I will make a smoothie or toast with eggs and avocado at that point. I eat another meal around 2pm (usually leftovers from last night's dinner). Around 6pm I will begin to make dinner. My partner and I love big salads, or veggie bowls with a grain (brown rice, millet, or quinoa are our favorites). In the evening I usually prepare for the next day or take a bath or read if I can make the time! I like to be in bed by 10pm and asleep by 10:30pm. Then all of that again on repeat!"
Where is a place of peace and rest for you?
"I love hot springs and spending time in a steam room or sauna. When I lived in New York, the Russian Turkish Baths were a sanctuary for me. Hot yoga can be a place of peace but not exactly rest! Or if I can't be in warm water, then a beautiful hike will do."
What is one thing that you find grounding or how do you stay centered?
"Kundalini Yoga is extremely helpful and nourishing for my soul. After a class, I always feel my best, most clear and vibrant self. This is that one thing that always helps when nothing else does!"